choose your package to become the parent you want to be

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Parenting doesn’t come with a manual – UNTIL NOW. Whether you’re just starting to explore new approaches or ready to dive deep into positive parenting methods and support, we’ve created packages to meet you where you are.


awakened package

This thoughtfully designed bundle gives you the tools and insights to better understand your child, improve communication, and create a calmer, more connected family life. Self-paced Courses, 100+ page workbooks, and mini-challenges.

what you’ll get
  • 5 days to less yelling

  • Mystery Behind the Misbehavior
  • Parenting Framework

  • Understanding US
  • Blueprint Workbook
For parents ready to gain awareness on how to become a better parent.

Best Value Deal


enlightened package

A comprehensive bundle of courses offering a deeper dive into the C.L.E.A.R. method, empowering you to fully understand and apply this transformative parenting framework in your home. Self-paced courses include engaging workbooks, targeted mini-challenges, and focused classes.

what you’ll get

  • Year of Empowered Parenting

  • Raising Kind Siblings

  • Tantrums and Meltdowns
  • Raising Respectful Kids

  • Positive Parenting Class Pass

For parents who are open to education about the principles and practices of Positive Parenting.


empowered package

This bundle includes both the MANUAL and BLUEPRINT packages, providing a comprehensive foundation for your parenting journey. It offers a full year of support through multiple avenues, including 4x monthly group coaching sessions. Self-paced courses, engaging workbooks, group coaching, discounted private coaching, and more.

what you’ll get

  • C.L.E.A.R. and Kind Parents
  • 1 Year of Support

For parents who want to practice Positive Parenting in their homes.

Having trouble deciding which package to choose? Schedule a call with your Be Kind Coaching guide

Choose your package to become a better parent

Parenting doesn’t come with a manual – UNTIL NOW. Whether you’re just starting to explore new approaches or ready to dive deep into positive parenting methods and support, we’ve created packages to meet you where you are



  • Mini-Courses

  • Workbooks

  • For parents ready to gain awareness on how to become a better parent.




  • Targeted mini-courses

  • Courses

  • For parents who are open to education about the principles and practices of Positive Parenting.





  • C.L.E.A.R. & Kind Parents

  • 1 Year Group Coaching

  • For parents who want to practice Positive Parenting in their homes.

Having trouble deciding which package to choose?
Schedule a call your Be Kind Coaching guide

Explore All Offers

Courses & Workbooks

Parenting Framework

An intro course to the C.L.E.A.R. Method. Learn the basics and get quick action steps to see change instantly. Video-Based.


Understanding Us

Step into awareness with a course that will show you were you are in your parenting journey. Prompt- Based.


Raising Respectful Kids

Get to know your parenting style and your child’s temperament and how they work together. Video-Based.


Blueprint Workbook

Gain clarity, confidence, and strategies tailored to your unique family dynamic. Action Packed PDF Workbook.


Solving the Mystery Behind the Misbehavior

Misbehavior isn’t just about acting out—it’s a message. Start to decode that message, with powerful insights. Video-based


5 Days to Less Yelling

Designed for busy parents ready to leave the yelling behind and embrace positive communication. Video-Based.


Raising Kind Siblings

If you’re tired of constant bickering, rivalry, or feeling like the referee in every argument, this guide is here to help. Video-Based


Year of Empowered 

A guide to becoming the confident, connected, and compassionate parent your child needs. Video-Based.


Tantrum & Meltdowns Class

This single class provides clarity and tools to help you stop feeling powerless during meltdowns and tantrums. Video-Based.


Positive Parenting Class PASS

Positive Parenting isn’t just a method—it’s a mindset. This course gives you the tools and confidence to embrace this approach and build a lifelong bond with your child. Video-Based.


Explore Group Coaching

C.L.E.A.R. & Kind Parents *LIFETIME*

Combining in-depth Positive Parenting education with a supportive coaching community to help you regain control of your home and nurture a loving, collaborative family dynamic.


Explore Private Coaching

6-Month Private Coaching

MegAnne in your pocket? YES, 6 months of direct one on one coaching plus access to course catalog.

6 payments of $499

Private 1 Hour

Whether you’re managing tantrums, meltdowns, or simply feeling overwhelmed, this session is your opportunity to take a breath and get expert guidance.


clients sharing their thoughts

I wasn’t sure how or why, but I had drifted apart from my 5 yo and felt very little connection to her. I was either scared of or resented her. I didn’t know how to “control” her-What do you do when your child, for no apparent reason, lies down in the middle of a grocery store kicking, screaming, and crying?

I asked her incredible preschool teachers and other trusted parents for help to deal with her tantrums and meltdowns over the years, but all of the well-intentioned advice only provided piecemeal, temporary solutions; nothing stuck. But I felt stuck and defeated and was in tears when I had my consultation with MegAnne.

MegAnne listened to me without judgment that day and at the end, she said something that turned a light switch on for me: “If your daughter is given the right tools, she will be unstoppable.” Right then, I understood that it was my job to help cultivate and nurture my daughter’s growth into an emotionally and socially responsible adult. It wasn’t about

“controlling” her but understanding her and her many complicated feelings, and providing her a safe and trusted environment to come into her own.

It is not dramatic to say that working with MegAnne changed our family’s lives. We no longer just survive but thrive and feel like an emotionally-connected team. There are still tantrums and strong feelings, but it’s incredibly empowering as a parent to help your child work through them so she can come out stronger, and become a more understanding and compassionate person, on the other side. I cannot recommend Be Kind Coaching enough. Every parent and child deserves to have a coach in their corner!

The Wise-Pho Family, ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

We can’t say enough amazing things about Be Kind Coaching.

My husband and I were at a breaking point when we reached out to MegAnne. Our five-year-old son’s out-of-control behavior was exhausting and scary. Every little thing was cause for a meltdown, and his anxiety and anger left us feeling defeated and resentful. We didn’t know what to do and were worried we had waited too long to ask for help.

Enter Be Kind Coaching. Through weekly meetings and chats, MegAnne was able to help us understand the “why” behind the behavior and develop strategies to help each other and our son. MegAnne is a fantastic listener and is never judgmental or pushy. The sessions were tailored to our parenting styles and personalities.

She wasn’t there to “save the day” but to empower us. I used to feel like it was us vs. our five-year-old. Now, I feel like the three of us are a team. Thank you, MegAnne!

The Leach Family, ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

My son (5) was easy. My daughter (3) has a big personality. We had a summer that was filled with fun adventures/vacations, and I came back depleted and defeated. My hope of spending positive time with my kids was actually spent fighting with them. I started working with MegAnne to stop fighting my kids and start coming up with new strategies for enjoying our family time.

At first, it did not make sense to me to give a three-year-old a choice, but I learned she is strong and wants to feel validated. She did not, before. But now, when she feels big emotions, she just says, “Mommy, I am sorry – I need a hug!”

After working together, we now have a much healthier- equal relationship. I thought I had to be the hammer. Now, we give them choices with natural consequences. It is so much more equitable. It is not perfect, but it has given the kids a voice. Even my husband is learning tactics that work for him.

I LOVED the fact that I never felt judged. MegAnne does not have hard and fast rules for anything. She taught me to appreciate my family, all of them for who they are. And I learned about myself, too.

I feel like I am a better mother because of MegAnne, and I appreciate everything. The good, the bad, and the ugly – I know if I love the kids and help them feel heard, then we will be OK!

The Jones Family, ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Our biggest challenge before calling MegAnne was the daily struggle of battling our strong-willed son. Daily struggle leads to a life of feeling defeated and sad.

After working with MegAnne, our family is able to take daily struggles and approach them from a more successful angle. We still have battles- as every family, but we are now able to be more positive and quicker to address things.

When I feel like we are moving backward, MegAnne is right there to hold space, enabling us to get back to the right mindset – I love that we still have ongoing support from her.

Since the first day we met MegAnne, I have been such a huge fan. Her knowledge and big heart amaze me whenever I talk to her or listen to her videos. I feel like our family is now better off spending time with her. I could never thank MegAnne enough for her knowledge.

Our family was at a very low point with daily fights, making us feel like we were out of answers.

When I first called her, I knew she got me. There was never a situation or struggle that she couldn’t help us learn from. I pray that other families will find MegAnne.

The Miller Family, ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

MegAnne came into our family’s lives at a difficult time. She proved a force of positivity and joy and offered a wealth of resources and experience just when we needed it most. To provide context, at the time, we were first-time parents of a one-year-old and balancing two careers. Our daughter was transitioning from babyhood to toddlerhood. For us, this meant learning to discipline in loving ways that fit our overall parenting approach of connecting with our daughter, listening to her, and setting respectful limits.

The changes we saw in our daughter as MegAnne cared for her were evident. MegAnne respectfully modeled ways for young toddlers to learn skills such as cleaning up, gentle touch, and clear communication.

Through example rather than preaching, MegAnne taught the whole family skills to work through trigger points of disagreement. For example, our daughter struggled with being washed after eating; MegAnne involved her in the process, and the fight dematerialized. Our babysitter also noted the “miraculous” changes in our daughter’s approach to difficult situations. These miracles were simply the results of MegAnne’s work!

MegAnne was also a useful sounding board for first-time parents and came equipped with a wealth of resources to pass along in gentle ways. Her approach was to begin at the place of strength she saw in our family, respectfully listening to our daughter, which helped me see what we do well. MegAnne’s modeling of behavior then enabled me to see where I needed to draw more limits to help my daughter be liberated from impending chaos.

In the brief three and a half months we worked together, she supported the family emotionally, physically, and with rich resources. She is gifted, hardworking, and devoted to helping healthy family relationships blossom. She is also among the kindest people I have known, which is to say, she practices what her business promises!

The Meier Family, ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The Be Kind Coaching Online Parenting Classes are life-changing!

MegAnne is positive and real, and from the very first class, I felt encouraged and empowered. I have read many parenting books and blogs, and I find it hard to translate them into daily practice within our family. However, through her parenting courses, we got to work through our examples using the information and the strategies that MegAnne teaches – her delivery of the material has been far more effective for me than anything else I have tried.

This class came to me at the time when I needed it the most. My child was having some difficulties at school, and a friend posted about how amazing MegAnne is, so I took the leap and couldn’t be happier that I did

MegAnne does such a great job of facilitating the online group sessions with people I have never met and who live half the world away from me; it felt like a supportive family. Many, many thanks to my friend who posted about the class, to MegAnne, whose impact is already being strongly felt in our family and will continue to be, and to my classmates for sharing and caring.

The Diener Family, ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Where to begin… I was in the midst of a lot of life chaos and struggling with how to parent and help my little one manage her emotions while I was so overwhelmed with my own. Big revelation:

PARENTS ARE PEOPLE! They have their own stuff going on AND have to make sure they keep a small human alive (at minimum) and ideally help turn them into a really fantastic big human. That’s a pretty tall order!

I have been following Be Kind Coaching on IG and FB and found the content so engaging, practical, and encouraging. One particularly rough morning, one of MegAnne’s posts resonated so hard that I reached out and scheduled a 1-on-1 session. It was everything I never knew I needed! She dropped so much knowledge that I almost thought I had everything figured out!

Then… the next morning, the usual rush out the door and school drop-off dramatics happened, and I found myself doing the same old thing yet expecting different results. In case you didn’t know, this is actually the definition of insanity. And I felt every bit of it.

I have gotten (and still get) so much value out of the online parenting classes she offers and the tools provided. I was SO excited to have the opportunity to have a sense of community and accountability with ongoing coaching. When I am able to participate, it is so comforting to share in the experience with other parents who were also putting themselves out there and saying, “Help! What I’m doing is not working! And it’s making me feel like shit!”

Finding MegAnne and Be Kind Coaching has basically proven to me that people come into your life for a reason. It was what I needed when I needed it. It provides me another level of confidence, patience, and forgiveness – not just in my parenting but in myself simply as a person.

I guess this is my long-winded way of saying… YOU SHOULD DO THIS. If you are visiting this page, you are probably feeling frustrated or overwhelmed or guilty or (likely) all of the above (and then some). Let Be Kind Coaching into your life and learn how much stronger you and your family can become.

The Bear Family, ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

“I felt so empowered and seen. I got awareness and community. I felt safe to show up with my messy bits to learn and practice.

I learned so much about myself as a person and my daughter. It brought so much awareness to our temperaments and how we are wired. I found the program to be deeper than tips and tricks. It’s a whole transformational process.”

Kimmie, Mom of 1

“I wish I had put on the calendar the last time I cried on the kitchen floor, facetiming my mom and sister that I don’t know what to do with this kid.

MegAnne’s C.L.E.A.R. Method, her programs, and the tools she has presented to me have positively impacted every part of my life, from parenting to my hobbies to being a human. I love her saying, “The work will always be there for you to pick up.”

Dani, Mom of 2

“I figured that with their fast tips and tricks, I would be able to implement them in my house naturally. This was not the case.

I put in the work by watching the videos and journaling, and I started understanding the foundations and feeling confident about how to respond instead of reacting. I got the foundations of positive parenting resources, which I feel are skipped in other programs.”

Bridget, Mom of 2

“Finally, I found myself in a program that said, ‘Wait, what about you? Are you ready to handle these emotions?’

Time and time again, I see that the more I pore into myself, the more space I have to hold for my kids. The more I look at myself, the more compassion I have for them. If I allow myself to show up authentically, I let my kids and all of their emotions show up how they feel.”

Tishia, Mom of 3

“Yelling was always just something that happened. I was the mom that felt it was the only way to get things done.

The C.L.E.A.R. method allows me to reflect more on my actions and how these impact my family. I have intentionally worked not to yell as much, but when fractures happen, I seek to repair them and not just deny/forget about them.”

Cyndi, Mom of 3
“I kept getting lost in the difficult moments, so I followed the positive parenting journey into the paid programs.

As the journey progressed, I became aware that I was being triggered and then became aware of what triggered me. After finding what triggered me, I started implementing tools taught by MegAnne that helped me navigate feeling triggered.”

Shannon, Mom of 2
“The only tools I had were yelling, spanking, or bribing. None of those tools worked. I felt lost and helpless, and alone.”

Sleep!! Sleep is my ultimate success. I used to sleep on the floor or on a bean bag in my kids’ room. I was tired of it. I couldn’t do it any longer. One day I decided I wasn’t going to sleep on the bean bag anymore. MegAnne and the kindsquad helped me hold my boundary.”

KC, Mom of 2