What you Dreamt Parenting would be
is not what you are experiencing. You are a good person, just wanting to raise kids that will thrive in the world around them. You might want to raise your kids the same way you were raised, or want to do it completely different, but it just isn’t working!!
What you Dreamt Parenting would be
is not what you are experiencing. You are a good person, just wanting to raise kids that will thrive in the world around them. You might want to raise your kids the same way you were raised, or want to do it completely different, but it just isn’t working!!
You are feeling always behind, and just want the answer
You are matching your kids unrest throughout the day. You might even be laying in bed at night thinking ‘Tomorrow WILL be different, I will be less angry!’ Every trick and hack that you found on the internet seems to work for about a week, and then POOF, back to yelling to get their attention.
Reach your Dream Parenting rhythm
You need only three things to be an effective parent – Awareness, Education & Practice.
Reach your Dream Parenting rythem
You need only three things to be an effective parent – Awareness, Education & Practice.
Be Kind Coaching has the Manual you have been waiting for...
A step by step program that you can personalize your parenting strategy for your unique kid. You will be able to let go of the shoulds of parenting, and find real solutions that will work for you unique family, either on your own or with the hands on help of MegAnne Ford.
A Quiz with Actionable Parenting Insights
Take the parenting style quiz and enter your email at the end to get your free guides!
Your Last Stop for Parenting Support
With Be Kind Coaching, you’ll gain the tools to parent confidently and calmly. No more chasing quick fixes—MegAnne’s methods help you navigate every challenge, from big emotions to routines. It’s a proven, lasting approach that ends the overwhelm and lets you enjoy parenthood.
Stop Yelling
Get to the bottom of your yelling problem. You never yelled before why does it seem like they are making you yell.
Build Consistent Routines
Learn how to create personalized routines that stick, helping you and your family feel more organized.
Foster Positive Connections
You’ll learn tools to strengthen healthy attachments, leading to more meaningful and respectful relationships.
Navigate Big Emotions
Get support on handling your child’s big feelings without riding the same big emotional waves consistently
Create Lasting Change
Through consistent practice, you’ll build new habits that bring long-term peace and understanding to your family.
Encourage Accountability
We teach how to hold yourself and your children accountable in ways that feel empowering, not frustrating.
Clients Wins
“The only tools I had were yelling, spanking, or bribing. None of those tools worked. I felt lost and helpless, and alone.”Sleep!! Sleep is my ultimate success. I used to sleep on the floor or on a bean bag in my kids’ room. I was tired of it. I couldn’t do it any longer. One day I decided I wasn’t going to sleep on the bean bag anymore. MegAnne and the kindsquad helped me hold my boundary.”
“I figured that with their fast tips and tricks, I would be able to implement them in my house naturally. This was not the case.
I put in the work by watching the videos and journaling, and I started understanding the foundations and feeling confident about how to respond instead of reacting. I got the foundations of positive parenting resources, which I feel are skipped in other programs.”
“Yelling was always just something that happened. I was the mom that felt it was the only way to get things done.
The C.L.E.A.R. method allows me to reflect more on my actions and how these impact my family. I have intentionally worked not to yell as much, but when fractures happen, I seek to repair them and not just deny/forget about them.”
“I felt so empowered and seen. I got awareness and community. I felt safe to show up with my messy bits to learn and practice.
I learned so much about myself as a person and my daughter. It brought so much awareness to our temperaments and how we are wired. I found the program to be deeper than tips and tricks. It’s a whole transformational process.”
“I wish I had put on the calendar the last time I cried on the kitchen floor, facetiming my mom and sister that I don’t know what to do with this kid.
MegAnne’s C.L.E.A.R. Method, her programs, and the tools she has presented to me have positively impacted every part of my life, from parenting to my hobbies to being a human. I love her saying, “The work will always be there for you to pick up.”
“Finally, I found myself in a program that said, ‘Wait, what about you? Are you ready to handle these emotions?’
Time and time again, I see that the more I pore into myself, the more space I have to hold for my kids. The more I look at myself, the more compassion I have for them. If I allow myself to show up authentically, I let my kids and all of their emotions show up how they feel.”
“I kept getting lost in the difficult moments, so I followed the positive parenting journey into the paid programs.As the journey progressed, I became aware that I was being triggered and then became aware of what triggered me. After finding what triggered me, I started implementing tools taught by MegAnne that helped me navigate feeling triggered.”
Parenting Coach
A parent coach is like any other coach, guiding and teaching you skills to succeed.
Frequently Asked Questions
Not Megan or Meegan- it’s Meg…Anne– like Joanne, but with a Meg and a capital A.
My Mom was just as stubborn as I am. She wanted my name pronounced properly, so she spelled it to ensure that.
Funny enough, my older siblings call me “Megan.” They swear that before I was born, that was supposed to be my name, so they are just as stubborn.
I have been MegAnne my entire 40 years. Sibling grudges are real.
I have spent my entire adult life working with children and parents inside a classroom and in their homes.
My number one hobby in life is people and connecting to people.
That’s my secret sauce.
I coach both parents and children through big emotions.
I support you in finding the right solutions for your family.
No, I am a coach. I help you define a clear goal. Then, it is my job to help you reach that goal.
The best coaches are the ones that allow the athlete (or parent) do what they do best. All while nudging them to see the big picture and look ahead.
Coaching is a wonderful complement to therapy and counseling. I have many referring partners in my network. We are like siblings to each other. All unique, special, and with your success at the forefront!
*I will ALWAYS be open and honest with my clients when a therapist/counselor would best serve them. I will always make a referral.*
C.L.E.A.R. came to me in the car after participating in a business coaching class and listening to Brene Brown saying, “clear is kind.”
Learn more about the details in the podcast episode – The C.L.E.A.R. Method.
C – Connection
L – Limits
E – Empowerment
A – Accountability
R – Recovery
A therapist friend of mine explained the difference between our roles perfectly.
As therapists, they help you unlock the past to understand your present.
As a coach, I am helping you define what you want in the future so that you can create it in the present.
There is a place for both.
I will let you know what it is not.
24 hours sweet voiceMadotory special timeKid focused tacticsQuick tips & tricksSense of urgency
Positive Parenting is a researched methodology and philosophy that helps parents remove fear-based punishments and begins improving relationships. Positive Parenting can be learned with conscious practice and intention.
This program serves people. Neuro-Divergent children are people. These children deserve to be seen and heard. Those are the tools that I teach. If you have any questions, please reach out to me by email. I will be happy to give you any information that supports you in making the right decision for you and your children.
C.L.E.A.R. is a mnemonic acronym.
Mnemonic acronyms (nɪ’mɒnɪk – akrənɪm) are pronounceable phrases or words where each letter represents an item that has to be remembered in the order given by the phrase
C.L.E.A.R. is the method I coach parents to follow in challenging times and practice in easier times.
Connect You ask yourself, “Are we both calm and connected?” This results in both parties being able to say, “I see you. I hear you.” or “I feel seen. I feel heard.”
Limit You ask yourself, “Is there a defined limit and boundary?” This results in you saying, “I respect you,” and the child feeling respected.
Empower By you providing choices allows you to ask, “What is the choice or decision made?” This results in you saying, “You are capable of making a decision.” The child feels empowered to make a decision.
Accountable Once a decision has been made, now we ask,
“How can I follow through?” This results in us saying, “Mistakes are opportunities to learn.” This gives the child the power to learn from their choices without shame or punishment.
Recovery Once the situation has passed, look back and ask, “How am I going to reconnect or repair?” Results in use communication that we want to, and it is normal to repair, reconnect, reassess and try again.